Switch to Google photos
I want to delete iPhoto app from my iPhone 8 and only use Google photo, but it won’t allow me to delete the app ( and photos). Is my only option to delete my 10,000 photos by hand? My goal is to free up iCloud space.
I want to delete iPhoto app from my iPhone 8 and only use Google photo, but it won’t allow me to delete the app ( and photos). Is my only option to delete my 10,000 photos by hand? My goal is to free up iCloud space.
Delete built-in Apple apps on your iOS 12 or later device or Apple Watch
With iOS 12 and later, you can delete some built-in Apple apps from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Apple Watch.
When you delete a built-in app from your device, you also delete any related user data and configuration files. This can affect things like related system functions or information on your Apple Watch.
Built-in apps you can delete from your device
If you have iOS 12 or later, you can delete1 these apps from your device:
To cut to the chase, you cannot delete the photo app. You will have to delete the photos manually after syncing them with the Google Photos app, then only view them in the Google Photos app. New photos will appear on your phone; if you could remove the photo app you would not be able to take photos with the phone because there would be no place to save them.
Switch to Google photos