2016 macbook pro reinstall
i have a 2016 macbook pro did a factory reset on it when i try to reinstall macOS on it it tells me to select the disk where you want to install macOS but leaves a blank anyone got any tips to fix this?
MacBook Pro
i have a 2016 macbook pro did a factory reset on it when i try to reinstall macOS on it it tells me to select the disk where you want to install macOS but leaves a blank anyone got any tips to fix this?
MacBook Pro
Sierra won't format on a partition that has been formatted APFS. Go back to the initial screen and change the formatting to HFS+/GIUD using Disk Utility.
High Sierra and above automatically format your drive APFS when installed on any SSD based drives.
Sierra won't format on a partition that has been formatted APFS. Go back to the initial screen and change the formatting to HFS+/GIUD using Disk Utility.
High Sierra and above automatically format your drive APFS when installed on any SSD based drives.
You need to select the SSD section in Disk Utility (the second one under the internal section on the left), and reformat that GUID/HFS+ by erasing it. Then you'll be able to command-option-shift-R reboot the machine while connected to ethernet. Ethernet is a wide phone like cable. IF you lack the port for an ethernet cable, Apple does make adapters for both USB and Thunderbolt.
On the disk Utility this is the options that it gives me is there anyway we can email or text or even call i would really like to get this solved i need my laptop to use for school please help
Thank you sooo much man your a life saver!!
Glad to hear it. Thank you.
2016 macbook pro reinstall