Change underline
When I write a doc in Pages, the text is underlined in red. How do I erase the underline
iMac Pro
When I write a doc in Pages, the text is underlined in red. How do I erase the underline
iMac Pro
If the underline is a format setting, you should be able to remove it by selecting the text and pressing command-U.
The more common 'red underliine' is placed by spellscheck finding a 'word' that is not in the active spelling dictionary. As seen in the image of random text below, that red underline is composed of dots, rather than a solid line.
If that is the type of line you are getting, my first guess would be that you have Pages set to Check spelling while typing, AND are typing in a language that does not match the language of the active dictionary. If that is the case, the cure is to set the language and region of the current document to match the language of what you are entering.
If the underline is a format setting, you should be able to remove it by selecting the text and pressing command-U.
The more common 'red underliine' is placed by spellscheck finding a 'word' that is not in the active spelling dictionary. As seen in the image of random text below, that red underline is composed of dots, rather than a solid line.
If that is the type of line you are getting, my first guess would be that you have Pages set to Check spelling while typing, AND are typing in a language that does not match the language of the active dictionary. If that is the case, the cure is to set the language and region of the current document to match the language of what you are entering.
Change underline