how to cancel .99 per month of Cloud?
How do I cancel my extended cloud subscription for .99 per month for more data? I have a new iPhone 11 and don't need the extra bits.
ruth miller
iPhone 11, iOS 14
How do I cancel my extended cloud subscription for .99 per month for more data? I have a new iPhone 11 and don't need the extra bits.
ruth miller
iPhone 11, iOS 14
Click on the link below and follow the instructions.
Downgrade or cancel your iCloud storage plan
By the way, iCloud storage and storage on your iPhone have absolutely nothing to do with each other. iCloud storage does NOT add to the storage of your iPhone and vice versa. But you will find out soon enough.
Click on the link below and follow the instructions.
Downgrade or cancel your iCloud storage plan
By the way, iCloud storage and storage on your iPhone have absolutely nothing to do with each other. iCloud storage does NOT add to the storage of your iPhone and vice versa. But you will find out soon enough.
how to cancel .99 per month of Cloud?