How to fix Account disabled
How do I fix my disabled account
How do I fix my disabled account
There are basically 2 reasons that your Apple ID might be locked or disabled. The first is that there was suspicious activity on your account, either too many password attempts by you, or someone trying to hack your account. The other is that a payment failed to go through and you need to resolve the charge or dispute. Link 1 below covers the first reason, and link 2 the second. For the second you will have to use the link in the posted tip to contact an iTunes & App Store representative. Click the link below that most closely matches the error message you are seeing:
There are basically 2 reasons that your Apple ID might be locked or disabled. The first is that there was suspicious activity on your account, either too many password attempts by you, or someone trying to hack your account. The other is that a payment failed to go through and you need to resolve the charge or dispute. Link 1 below covers the first reason, and link 2 the second. For the second you will have to use the link in the posted tip to contact an iTunes & App Store representative. Click the link below that most closely matches the error message you are seeing:
How to fix Account disabled