Apple Watch Storage Issues
For a while now, but specifically ever since updating to watchOS 8 (now 8.1), my Apple Watch has been having storage issues.
I noticed none of my music was downloaded so I checked the Watch app to find that my “media storage was full”… This was new to me, I have over 8GB free so why wouldn’t I be able to use that? Besides that, I didn’t even have any media on the Watch in the first place!
I got frustrated and gave up.
Fast forward a couple months to today. I want music on my watch.
The out of media storage banner was there and randomly disappeared a couple minutes ago, however, my storage says 7GB used, and after counting my apps, they use a grand total of 537MB combined, and Music is taking over 200MB for some reason, even though there is no music downloaded?
I know watchOS takes up space, but according to the chart, it’s not the majority of what is supposedly “used”.
Maybe by some miracle my music will download now—time will tell (will check in the morning)—but what’s with all this “used” storage that I’m clearly not using and why the “media storage limit” (which seems to have bugs)?
Apple Watch Series 4, watchOS 8