Some images will not display in Mail Monterey and iOS 15.6
I've already read extensively about this in other discussions and cannot find a working solution. It seems iOS 15.6 and Monterey has taken away our ability to decide if we want to view an image. I signed an online waiver to a park and a QR Code was emailed to me. This QR code will show in Thunderbird (that I sometimes use) but will NOT show in Apple Mail. Not my phone or computer. On my phone I've gone to Settings > Mail > Privacy Protection and turned off "Protect Mail Activity" and turned off "Block All Remote Content" and then restarted my phone. Still doesn't show. On my computer I went to Preferences > Privacy ... and done the same as above.
There are now buttons on the email message to load images or remote content. There was no notice that images were blocked or anything like that. It's like, if Apple decided not to show an image, who am to question. Well that's just frustrating. I'm a big boy :)
Am I missing something? A secret hard to find button to allow images to load for a specific email message? That would be amazing!! As I said, since it works in another email program, I know the email contains the image and that it should be able to be viewed.
MacBook Pro