It see to me that too many people take the nuclear option of wiping a drive prematurely. It's like amputating a painful foot before checking a blister. Must be a Windows thing. Yes, sometimes you need to, but I've not had the need to reinstall ANY macOS since OS 10.2 Jaguar, and we have a lot of Macs in the family, plus I support some pro bono for friends.
Some things to try:
First, is the computer stable in Safe Mode?
How to use safe mode on your Mac
If so, that points to a software, not hardware issue.
Next, creates a guest user account for testing and boot into it. See if the situation changes.
Set up users, guests, and groups on Mac - Apple Support
If you get any messages of advisories accosiated with the crashes, what do they say?
Boot from your Recovery partition and then use Disk Utility to check for hard drive issues.
Have you installed and anti-virus or so-called"cleaning" software? If so, they usually extract a payment in reduced speed and stability. They MUST go. Let your Mac be a Mac.
Test with all peripherals disconnected except the mouse and keyboard.
If those don't change things we'll need a system confg report to see what is crashing.Mor eon that after you try the above items.