initial capitalization of first word in sentence
what setting do i change to not capitalize the l first word in a sentence on iphone 13
iPhone 13, iOS 16
what setting do i change to not capitalize the l first word in a sentence on iphone 13
iPhone 13, iOS 16
I’m sure we’ve all gone to the settings and changed it to auto-capitalization, and it’s still not auto-capitalizing even with the upgrade to 17! I have an iPhone 14, and I have it on capitalization. It capitalizes everything, and right before I push to send, it takes the very first capital letter and puts it in lowercase. There’s no way to fix it, and it’s super annoying every day!
I’m sure we’ve all gone to the settings and changed it to auto-capitalization, and it’s still not auto-capitalizing even with the upgrade to 17! I have an iPhone 14, and I have it on capitalization. It capitalizes everything, and right before I push to send, it takes the very first capital letter and puts it in lowercase. There’s no way to fix it, and it’s super annoying every day!
No, it’s a glitch. Every time I write a Message, except on this Apple Platform, right before I send the message to any of my friends. It takes it off a lowercase for the very first sentence. I have gone to Settings, and I have it on autocapitalization.
This is happening to me and it is extremely frustrating! I have double checked my auto capitalization settings multiple times and have tried turning it on off multiple times. I don’t know what else to try. It’s super inconvenient. And of course it’s working on this platform lol? Why wouldn’t it though right
To change all strokes to lower case: Settings>General>Keyboard, then turn off Auto-Capitalization. (Maya Tsho --if I understand correctly-- explained the opposite: how to turn on Auto-Capitalization, which targets only the first letter of the sentence.)
I noticed that this happened if I had a hardware keyboard set to keyboard type ANSI (even though I wasn’t using an external keyboard). When I changed the hardware keyboard to type ISO, it started working correctly.
Settings > General > Keyboard > Auto-Capitalization
I have been having the same issue (I have iPhone 11). I even went through my keyboard settings, turned off all auto-capitalization and auto-correct and then turned them back on (they were all on when I checked settings), and it’s still not auto-capitalizing.
Thank you! Been trying to get that resolved for weeks.
I had the same problem. It was not turned off, though. But I just turned it off and then back on, and it seemed to fix it.
I spoke too soon. It did not fix it.
This is helpful. How do I change the hardware keyboard?
initial capitalization of first word in sentence