How quickly a person can achieve Level 10 has no bearing on anything. Literally, nothing. There's no prize or reward of any kind. The only thing a higher level conveys is a given person has been here long enough to get there. And more importantly, has provided useful and helpful information to earn those points.
The members who have been here the longest have seen this happen over and over. And that's when newer users try to make some sort of self-imposed contest at getting to Level 10 as fast as possible. They end up burning out as they realize it's, a) going to take a long time (because you very often don't get any points where you deserve them) and, b) all you get for your efforts is another dot by your name.
I've been a member since 2001, still haven't made Level 10, and don't care if I ever do. The people who last the longest are those who don't give a hoot about points. The entire purpose of the forum is for users to help each other. That's really all there is to give or gain.