Lyrics tagged with local files missing in Apple Music after iOS 18 update
Context: I have a music library on my computer where I can tailor the metadata to my liking. For years now, I've used Apple Music to play most of this music library by converting the necessary files on my computer into .m4a for phone storage conservation, then using iTunes to drag the .m4a files onto my phone. I've tinkered with the metadata of my music library to where I'm capable of adding release date information, copyright information, and of course lyrics to better personalize my music library on my phone.
Now, as the title suggests, ever since I updated to iOS 18 about 2 days ago, I've had an issue where the lyrics I tag with my files no longer appear in the lyrics tab in Apple Music. The lyrics button is greyed out for files I know have lyrical content tagged to them. My process for tagging has not changed before and after the software update; my local files still have all their lyrics in the "UNSYNCEDLYRICS" tag field. Whatever was in the UNSYNCEDLYRICS or even LYRICS tag field read just fine in the lyrics tab in Apple Music before upgrading to iOS 18. I'm hoping this is just a mere bug and not a new sneaky restriction by Apple because even if this issue sounds persnickety, it is still quite inconveniencing. I don't expect a hasty resolution to this problem because I do understand iOS 18 just released about 5 days ago and bugs happen, but I do hope this generates some discussion with those familiar with metadata and Apple Music to perhaps get as close to resolution as possible.
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 13 Pro Max