Bug with Watch OS11 workout app
Since upgrading to Watch OS11 (AWU 2), I've noticed that when using the native workout app, it defaults back to the watch face screen even if the water lock is turned on. I've yet to narrow down the circumstances in which this occurs but there are four possibilities:
- in the rain. (it's only happened in the rain so far but the second time the watch was under my sleeve and dry so not sure the rain is an issue)
- when I pause the workout. (tried this in testing but couldn't replicate. Only noticed during a run)
- after an hour of running (this has been common to both times I've observed the issue. As a side bar, I notice the that timer also now counts mm:ss instead of hh:mm:ss, but after 1hr 50m I noticed this reverted back to hh:mm:ss. This also didn't happen with watch OS10)
- any combination of the above
Anybody else coming across this bug / issue?