Removing email from payment details.
I've just bought something using ApplePay on my Mac Mini. I selected ApplePay and the primary card and completed the transaction on my iPhone 13 using FaceID and double clicking the power button. The payment went through ok and I had a transaction reference.
The product was a digital key code. I've not received the code or a confirmation email but the money has left my bank account.
I checked my phone and the payment details and confirmed an expected email address. The vendor said that's not the address we've got from ApplePay.
I dug a bit and found that on my Mac in the Wallet & Apple Pay section, the payment details email was an old work email address. I have no idea how that got into there (my work address is also available for selection as the Shipping Address).
I guess Apple's been 'clever' and found these details. Where are they stored and how can I delete them? My payment details are all as I expect them to be on my iPhone which is where I actioned the transaction and yet now my digital code and confirmation email have been sent to my former employer who I hope has deleted that account.
How can I remove my old work email address and shipping address?