terryb wrote:
@betaneptune - During the discussion panel with the FCP developers at the FCP Creative Summit in November, they emphatically stated that they *do* read all feedback, but with finite dev resources they prioritize based on the amount of feedback or severity of the bug. If you can get more people to submit feedback about the column width issue, it might percolate higher up the to-do list.
Well, good to know. However, they did have time to gray out the bolded shortcuts on the drop-down menus, making them worse. They had time to scramble the Mac Mail message flags, which used to be in a sensible order, but are now in a totally random order. They had time to make the iTunes/Music app user interface even worse. They could maybe hire some additional people.
On a positive note:
But I will admit that they did have time to fix at least a couple of my reported problems: Inability to use the scrubber when watching videos because the notification screen comes down instead in iOS 5.0. Fixed! I reported that using Spotlight and Finder Spotlight didn't work for "file system." Now it works. I think there was at least one other thing. But for each of those, there are numerous things that got no response.
Just for fun: Here's something they fixed that I think I didn't report: It was between 2006 and 2016, I think. I'm on route home from work, and I say to Siri on my phone, "Siri. Please play the last song I just played." You are probably seeing her reply coming. SIRI: Sorry, I can't find anything called "the last song I just played"! Oh, man. They wussified the 0/0 spiel. Glad I heard it before they did that.
Oh, and they finally--finally!--gave us a context-menu keyboard shortcut. And it even has a dedicated key on the newest Mac keyboards (but I don't use those super thin Apple keyboards). I've been waiting 16 years for that one!