Internal hard drive "gone"
I was trying to completely erase a 1000 GB drive partitioned into two 500 GB volumes. Disk Utility was having trouble erasing, so I went to Terminal and ran diskUtil commands. I tried to erase the disk, but got a failure message about ten minutes later saying that the disk wasn't configured. At that point, the disk "disappeared" from the Finder, Disk Utility, and diskUtil list. (It was previously listed as disk2, and that "slot" is empty. diskUtil commands on disk2 result in the message "Unable to find disk for disk2".
My other three internal hard drives and an external drive are happily spinning and work fine. I'd rather not trash the disk, though everything on it is backed up. Any ideas on how to "find" disk2? (I have another Mac Pro and can easily remove disk2 and put it in my other Mac, if that will help.)
Mac Pro, macOS 10.12