It just happed again. The console logged this:

-[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] | previouslyRunningApps: (
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/Applications/";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/System/Applications/";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/System/Library/CoreServices/";
BackgroundState = 3;
BundleID = "com.sublimetext.3";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/Applications/Sublime";
-[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] | checkAgainstApp is : Mail
-[PersistentAppsSupport appShouldBeRelaunched:] | entered. checking app: Mail
-[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] | Adding to relaunchArray: Mail
-[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] | Contents:(
BackgroundState = 0;
BundleID = "";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/System/Applications/Utilities/";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/Applications/";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/System/Applications/";
BackgroundState = 2;
BundleID = "";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/System/Library/CoreServices/";
BackgroundState = 3;
BundleID = "com.sublimetext.3";
Hide = 0;
Path = "/Applications/Sublime";
SGNamedEntityPlugin received user action from
SGPortraitContainer(<private> alg:5/0) wrote 0 entities, 0 topics, and 0 locations
SGNamedEntityPlugin received user action from
SGPortraitContainer(<private> alg:5/0) wrote 0 entities, 0 topics, and 0 locations
kill() returned unexpected error 1
kill() returned unexpected error 1