iphone 11 pro unlocked how is a carier asigned ?
iphone 11 pro unlocked how is a carier asigned to the phone ?
iphone 11 pro unlocked how is a carier asigned to the phone ?
If you buy an unlocked phone from Apple, they will simply take the SIM card out of your current phone and place into your new phone.
We have Verizon as our carrier and that’s what happened when we bought new iPhones from Apple last year. We never had to deal with Verizon at all.
If you buy an unlocked phone from Apple, they will simply take the SIM card out of your current phone and place into your new phone.
We have Verizon as our carrier and that’s what happened when we bought new iPhones from Apple last year. We never had to deal with Verizon at all.
Hello and welcome to Apple Support Communities, HANGSTANG.
If I understand your post correctly, you'd like to know how to assign a carrier to your unlocked iPhone. I’d like to help.
Your unlocked iPhone is not assigned a carrier until you set up a cellular plan with the carrier of your choice. Check out this guide for a list of carriers in your area and the features they support:
Wireless carrier support and features
Let us know if that resolves this issue for you.
Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities. Take care.
Thanks, I am guessing if I buy the phone at Best Buy they will also sell me a sim card and program it to my current Verizon
account? If I got the phone from Apple I would have to buy a sim card and deal with Verizon to set it up ?
By the sim you stick in there.
Buy one at Target.
iphone 11 pro unlocked how is a carier asigned ?