Adding funds to Apple id
Hi, so I'm trying to add funds to my son's Apple id on his device but when I select an amount a tick appears but the next button remains greyed out so I can't proceed
Hi, so I'm trying to add funds to my son's Apple id on his device but when I select an amount a tick appears but the next button remains greyed out so I can't proceed
Do you have Family Sharing set up? Have you tried using App Store/iTunes gift cards?
App Store & iTunes Gift Cards by Email
Do you have access to another WiFi network where you can try? That has worked for several people.
Try a restart.
Restart your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Try a forced restart.
If necessary
Do a backup and try a factory reset. Then restore from your backup.
Backup - Restore your device from an iCloud or iTunes backup
If necessary, contact iTunes Support. Either use the form or scroll to the bottom of the page in the 2nd link. Follow through the screens to get a chat or telephone option.
Yes I do have family sharing set up but only one Apple device, which is his. This seems to make things a lot harder. I wanted to make an in-app purchase for him but it turns out you can't share those, so then I tried to give him some credits so he could purchase for himself. He doesn't use email so not sure emailing him a gift card will be easy. Maybe I need to sign in to his device & see if I can add funds to his account from there? It's a right hassle having to change users all the time though any time we want to add anything at all. Really regret buying him an iPhone...
If you have Family Sharing set up, the only way I know of to add funds is using App Store/iTunes gift cards.
Adding funds to Apple id