Disable horizontal scrolling on Magic Mouse
After more than 35 years of using computer mouses, our hands clasp or caress a mouse in many various ways. And our fingers fumble with it in an almost genetically predestined gesture. The addition of a vertical scroll wheel was a boon, but too clunky. Wheels and other internal parts tick and rattle at every touch. The tactile elegance of the Magic Mouse is pristine, but too much. Vertical scroll is great, because we're used to flick our finger in an opening and closing gesture. Horizontal scrolling is something else – it's ergonomically less obvious, so less under our control. I regularly end up with an inadvertently moved element. That's why I'd like to disable this feature of the Magic Mouse.
Under Catalina, there seems to be no option (anymore) to disable it, by Mouse or other Accessibility settings, by Magic Prefs (outdated), or a Terminal command (unsupported).