I have a new phone number but my XR shows my old number how do i change it ?
I have a new phone number but my XR shows my old number, how do I change this ?
I have a new phone number but my XR shows my old number, how do I change this ?
See turingtest2’s suggestion here in this thread addressing the same issue.
See turingtest2’s suggestion here in this thread addressing the same issue.
My network have changed my phone number on my sim but my phone still thinks it is the old number, when sending texts and whatsap it shows my old number still, when you go into the phone settings it shows my old number in settings and I cannot seem to change it to the new number
Shows where? When? How?
Perhaps the answer is Settings > Phone > My Number, but it’s hard to guess what “shows” means.
I have a new phone number but my XR shows my old number how do i change it ?