14.2 won’t stay connected to my wifi
after iOS14.2 update I need to reconnect wifi about every 5 minutes, it seems to disconnect every I close the screen.
iPhone 11, iOS 14
after iOS14.2 update I need to reconnect wifi about every 5 minutes, it seems to disconnect every I close the screen.
iPhone 11, iOS 14
Hey Dakalberry,
Thank you for using Apple Support Communities!
We hear that you're having issues with your Wi-Fi connection on your iPhone after updating. We'd like to help out.
Check out these steps to get your Wi-Fi connected:
If your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch won’t connect to a Wi-Fi network - Apple Support
I am facing the same issue. All other devices on wifi are perfectly fine. Iphone is not detecting any wifi even I placed the phone next to the router. This can be solved temporarily by restarting iphone or resetting network setting which I am doing everytime I unlock my screen
I can report the same issue in my house also even after buying a new router. Two iPhone 11s, two iPhone XR’s and an iPhone 7. Oh and an iPad Air 2. All do the same thing. WiFi disconnects and you have to go in and manually choose to connect to the network. All other WiFi devices in the house work fine, including the Macs. If you search for “iOS 14.2 WiFi issues” it does appear to be an issue impacting a number of people. Very frustrating.
After a few days it seems to be back to normal now 😘
14.2 won’t stay connected to my wifi