airport time capsule mesh network
Hi all,
I'm wondering about the WiFi extension (and Mesh support) capabilities of my Time Capsule. The TC provides my home WiFi (and it's Ethernet hard wired to my Telekom router). I have 2 Airport Express (set up to extend the WiFi network) in use and a HomePod, but nevertheless in my home office which is just 4 meters away from the ApEx upstairs and where the HomePod is located, my office Dell PC suffers from bad WiFi network signal strength or bandwidth. Actually, the iMac which is 2m further away, shows a full "umbrella" signal strength.
I tried a Fritz! Repeater 600 with Mesh capability but after adding it to my WiFi (supposedly to extend/enhance it), things got worse rather than better - so I removed it after I got no improvement.
Any hint about how to tweak the existing configuration so my business PC laptop runs better on the WiFi is much appreciated!