What is the normal battery drain in hour without use ?
I phone 13
All background apps are closed
iPhone 13, iOS 15
What is the normal battery drain in hour without use ?
I phone 13
All background apps are closed
iPhone 13, iOS 15
Yes. There are always things going on, even when the screen is locked. Using the higher number, and assuming you charge overnight, 2% per hour means it will drop by 24% over the course of a 12 hour daytime, ending in the evening above 70%. That would be considered very good battery life. My phone usually is at 30% in the evening.
Yes. There are always things going on, even when the screen is locked. Using the higher number, and assuming you charge overnight, 2% per hour means it will drop by 24% over the course of a 12 hour daytime, ending in the evening above 70%. That would be considered very good battery life. My phone usually is at 30% in the evening.
There is no “normal” - every phone is different. What you describe as “background apps are closed” makes no difference, and if you do it on a regular basis it can actually make battery drain worse. See→Do not close "background" apps | Communities
As a general rule of thumb if you charge the phone overnight, every night (a best practice) you should be able to use the phone all day without having to charge it, and you will end the day with 20% to 40% left.
I have new I phone 13
Is it normal to decrease in charging 1-2 % every hour without use ( it is just turned on ) ?
Thanks a lot for your help.