How to cancel subscription for i cloud space
How to cancel subscription for more I cloud
iPhone XR
How to cancel subscription for more I cloud
iPhone XR
Click on the link to read how to downgrade or cancel your iCloud storage plan on an iOS device, a Mac, or a PC. --> Downgrade or cancel your iCloud+ plan - Apple Support
- "If you don't have one of these devices, contact Apple Support to change your iCloud storage plan." Click here --> Choose your country or region - Official Apple Support Select your country, then a product.
Click on the link to read how to downgrade or cancel your iCloud storage plan on an iOS device, a Mac, or a PC. --> Downgrade or cancel your iCloud+ plan - Apple Support
- "If you don't have one of these devices, contact Apple Support to change your iCloud storage plan." Click here --> Choose your country or region - Official Apple Support Select your country, then a product.
How to cancel subscription for i cloud space