How to cancel a subscription and get a refund for iTunes purchase?
I want cancel a subscription and made a refund
I want cancel a subscription and made a refund
To view and cancel your subscriptions see here:
If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support
Cancelling a subscription will stop the auto-renewal, but does not generate a refund. If you feel there are extenuating circumstances that justify a refund, use this procedure:
Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple - Apple Support
To view and cancel your subscriptions see here:
If you want to cancel a subscription from Apple - Apple Support
Cancelling a subscription will stop the auto-renewal, but does not generate a refund. If you feel there are extenuating circumstances that justify a refund, use this procedure:
Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple - Apple Support
How to cancel a subscription and get a refund for iTunes purchase?