I can't upgrade Mac Pro 2023 to Windows 11
How do I download Windows 11 on my Mac pro 2023?
Microsoft dropped support for Windows 10 on August 2023.
I can't use Windows 10.
Can Someone help me?
Mac Pro (2023)
How do I download Windows 11 on my Mac pro 2023?
Microsoft dropped support for Windows 10 on August 2023.
I can't use Windows 10.
Can Someone help me?
Mac Pro (2023)
A Mac Pro (2023) would be an Apple Silicon Mac based on the M2 Ultra processor.
Apple doesn't support Boot Camp on Apple Silicon Macs.
You can use Parallels Desktop to create virtual machines within which to run Windows 11. However, you can't run Intel versions of WIndows in those VMs. You will need to run WIndows for ARM. Windows for ARM can run some off-the-shelf WIntel binaries using its own emulator/translator, but there are limitations that you can read about on the Microsoft and Parallels Web sites.
A Mac Pro (2023) would be an Apple Silicon Mac based on the M2 Ultra processor.
Apple doesn't support Boot Camp on Apple Silicon Macs.
You can use Parallels Desktop to create virtual machines within which to run Windows 11. However, you can't run Intel versions of WIndows in those VMs. You will need to run WIndows for ARM. Windows for ARM can run some off-the-shelf WIntel binaries using its own emulator/translator, but there are limitations that you can read about on the Microsoft and Parallels Web sites.
Yeah, Hi, jiwan98...
Uhmm..... you don't download Windows 10 or 11 or 8 on your Mac Pro 2023, and use it right off the bat, for free, at least not right away.....
what you can do is run it in a Virtual Environment/Virtual Machine with either Crossover, VMWare Fusion or Parallels.. you probably have an M1/M2 Mac pro, which makes things a bit trickier, for doing that vs. an Intel Mac.... so, what you'd have to do is either buy Crossover, VMWare Fusion or Parallels, pick the version that says it's M1/M2 compatible.... then follow their instructions and guidelines to set up a virtual environment/virtual machine running Windows.... then after you've done that, then you could download a copy of Windows 10 or buy one on a DVD and install it in that virtual environment/virtual machine.... just FYI, Apple used to have something like that called "Bootcamp" which was included in the Mac OS and ran on Intel Macs.... However, with the switch to Apple Silicon (m1 and M2 macs and ARM) Boot Camp does not run/work anymore.... so is not included in the Mac OS.... either one of the 3 things I mentioned, Crossover, VMWare Fusion or Parallels are the only way to download and run Windows on a Mac Pro 2023
hope this helps
John b
Get a old MacBook That would work.
I can't upgrade Mac Pro 2023 to Windows 11