iPhone 12 works Only on Speakerphone
I have tried all internet tips right down to reset which is a pain - can anyone help? Don’t wanna be using speaker phone all the time
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 16
I have tried all internet tips right down to reset which is a pain - can anyone help? Don’t wanna be using speaker phone all the time
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 12 Pro, iOS 16
iPhone 12 - can only hear caller on speaker but they can hear me without speaker
iPhone 12 - can only hear caller on speaker but they can hear me without speaker
iPhone 12 Pro only hear from speaker??? What’s the problem!
Cannot hear person I call but they can hear me. How can I fix this?
I have I phone 12
I can only use my phone on speaker phone
normal phone hearing speaker not working
Unfortunately none of this worked - still can only hear through speaker phone - earpiece speaker completely silent
That is about when the phone rings when somebody calls. We’re talking about the call audio. We cannot hear the caller talking unless on speaker -then the whole room can hear them too
Ever since I updated my phone I can’t hear any calls unless on speaker or with AirPods? The internet stuff is not working!
I can only hear callers when on speaker
iPhone 12 - can only hear caller on speaker but they can hear me without speaker
Even caller can not hear me without my speaker phone
Can only hear caller on speaker but they can hear me
When I updated my IPhone 12 to IOS 18.1.1, I no longer could hear whomever I was speaking to on the phone. I also was unable to hear my messages. The only way I could hear was to put the speaker option on. This only started after the update. I tried all the suggested fixes, including sliding the sound bar, restarting my phone, making sure the speaker was free of any dirt on my phone, and making sure the do not disturb function was off on my phone. Any suggestions?
The caller can hear me, however I can’t hear my caller
Hi Splinter123,
Since you can only hear callers when you put them on speaker, we recommend that you try the steps here: If you hear no sound or distorted sound from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch speaker - Apple Support
To perform the recommended troubleshooting steps via the link above, complete the steps in the section below.
Follow these steps
1. If your device has a Ring/Silent switch, move the switch forward—toward the device's display—so that orange isn't showing. If you're using an iPad, you can also swipe down from the top-right corner to open Control Center and make sure that Silent Mode is off.
2. Open Settings > Focus > Do Not Disturb and make sure that Do Not Disturb is off.
If you want to try more steps on your own
If you prefer, here are some more steps you can try on your own. After following these steps, you might still need to contact Apple Support to discuss service options.
1. Remove all screen protectors, films, or cases from your device.
2. Check the speaker opening to see if it's blocked or dirty. On iPhone only, make sure that the receiver isn't blocked or dirty.
3. If necessary, clean the speaker or receiver opening with a small, soft-bristled brush. Make sure that the brush is clean and dry.
4. Go to Settings > Sounds (or Settings > Sounds & Haptics), and drag the Ringer and Alerts slider back and forth a few times. If you don't hear any sound, or if your speaker button on the Ringer and Alerts slider is dimmed, your speaker might need service.
5. If you hear sound, try making a call with your iPhone and turn on speakerphone. On iPad or iPod touch, make a FaceTime call. If you still can't hear, or hear static or crackling, then your network or reception could be the issue. Try to call again later, or from a different location.
We recommend the steps above because they will show you what to do if you can't hear a person's voice clearly, hear crackling, hear static, or have issues with sound quality.
If you’re still experiencing the same issue, then we recommend that you contact Apple Support directly so that they can work with you to find a solution. You can reach them by clicking here: Apple Support or calling the most local number in your region: Contact Apple for support and service. Thank you for participating in the Apple Support Communities. Cheers!
same exact issues with the 12 max pro!!!! Had worse issues with the 11 max pro!!!! Ridiculous situation I have had it with Apple...Android I am coming home...
iPhone 12 works Only on Speakerphone