Qwerty158 Said:
"I purchased a Macbook Pro from a person that got the device from a business sale. The business no longer exists according to the seller. I want to make the laptop usable again. Help please"
Getting Into a Locked Device:
A. Return this:
It seems you have been scammed, though a full-assumption, on my part. You must contact the seller, requesting a return. Without being able to log in to it, nothing can be done on your end. This is the site the seller should have used prior to selling it to you: What to do Before you Sell, Give Away, or Trade In your Mac - Apple Support. The seller should have known better.
B. Learn from this:
If getting into this is of no option, then take this as a learning experience, knowing to always be allowed to log into a device, prior to purchasing it. If the seller decide to disabide by these rules you've set forth.