What difference does HiDPI make to the display VS not using it at the same resolution?
I recently upgraded to a new Dell Ultrasharp 4k USB-C Hub monitor and it has the options to use HiDPI, and lists the same resolution available without it.
I found running at 4k makes things a bit too small, so I'm running at slightly lower 3360x1890 HiDPI setting. I noticed that the graphics were running slow on my M1 MBP Pro Max, with PowerPoint practically grinding to halt and looking like everything was being sucked into a black hole when I go into presentation mode.
I tried a lower resolution (still HiDPI), same deal, then I noticed the exact same resolutions listed as available but with no HiDPI at the end. So I switched back to the res I'd been using but with no HiDPI, 3360x1890, and bingo! Everything was zipping along as I expected it should.
I can't see any real display difference, so will keep the setting, but what is it about HiDPI that slowed my machine so much at the same resolution? Have I failed to notice something I might appreciate?
MacBook Pro 16″