There is no Direct replacement.
However, in the around 20 year lifetime of these Mac Pro silver tower machines, boot drive capacity has increased somewhat, but the SPEED of the boot drive has increased from around 50 M Bytes/sec for a fast rotating magnetic drive to in excess of 5,000 M Bytes/sec SSD boot drives currently installed.
We may already have in place the next tier of "memory", beyond what is conventionally though of as 'RAM' memory.
If you set aside some pre-conceived notions, you could create a simulation of Terabyte size today, and it would execute correctly using a Very large Virtual Memory. There might be a lot of Virtual Memory swapped onto the boot drive as swap files. Depending completely on algorithms used, it might (or might not) be slow.
It might take re-thinking some algorithms to get computations to operate on more-local sections, and progress through the entire data set more slowly, to slow the amount of swapping.
But it can be done, today, with ordinary, off-the-shelf hardware.
Like many tough problems, to get really BIG speedups, upgrade the algorithms.