iPhone flashlight not working after iOS 18 Update
my flashlight stopped working after downloading IOS18
it’s not even available on the locked screen thing
iPhone 13 pro
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 18
my flashlight stopped working after downloading IOS18
it’s not even available on the locked screen thing
iPhone 13 pro
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 13 Pro, iOS 18
I should not have to reboot the ~$1300 phone to perform the function of turn on an LED. That is absurd Apple 🤡
I had the same problem. Find a dark room & take a picture forcing your flash to go off.
once the flash is activated the torch should work fine.
it did for me.
I have been having the same issue. Rebooted my phone and it’s fine for now. I guess?
Thx for the reminder that a simple reboot of 30 seconds fixes ****** near everything. But here was my deal - NY eve and I’m alone, going thru a nice grieving thing I’d lots of loss in the past few wks and days. Fire in the chiminea outside and it’s on lawn but i back up to - hilly forest where I’d gone to get some chunks of wood. That’s when it decided to stop working. While I’m in the dark uneven ground of tree roots and just a tank top so not COLD but don’t wanna trip and fall out there. Lit my way up onto the hill and then went dark. Like wtaf 😳
thx for the tip. I’m back in house and it was an easy fix but got stupefied by that few minutes of discomfort that coulda been trauma - alls well for the Girl Scout 😂
Thank you! It worked here!
This worked. Thank you!!!
My phone is not working with the flashlight when I receive messages the flashlight is not popping on at all . I try it in my setting with led light and I also turn and off my phone nothing not working
I’m experiencing the same difficulty. I tried the restart message suggested by others, as well as attempting to use my camera flash to sort of make the LED work. However, only my front flash works and the actual flashlight feature, not at all. My phone is completely up to date with software updates. Def has to be a bug. This is getting ridiculous.
I don’t know if this was my problem all along, but my flashlight works now. Possibly my problem was I was tapping it like any other icon but the flashlight behaves more like an actual button on my phone. I have to “long press” it to turn on/off.
iPhone flashlight not working after iOS 18 Update