Apple Watch Causing Nerve Pain from EMF Radiation
I've been experiencing nerve pain in both my wrists and forearms from wearing my Apple Watch. I’ve tried switching wrists, but the pain occurs on both sides after time. It's a tingling numbing dull ache and it gets worse when the watch is taking a reading. The pain goes away a few hours after taking the watch off so I know it's the cause. And no, the watch isn’t too tight.
After some digging, I found a lot of people online reporting similar issues, with some mentioning EMF radiation as a cause. This has been talked about for years, but nothing has been done about it nor has Apple ever addressed it (not surprising). I'm curious how widespread this issue is and what the long term effects are? Has anyone found any solutions, or is this just something we’re stuck with? I'm curious is any EMF blockers would work or if the risk does not beat the reward for this health-wise. Maybe the aura ring would be a better option considering its not sitting on a major nerve.
Apple Watch Series 9, watchOS 11