Grouping different values by hour
Hi world,
I'm currently building a trading dashboard/journal and want to add a chart that gives me insight in how often I take a trade by each hour, win rate per hour etc.
Pivot tables creates multiple 2PM rows instead 1 when sort by weekday, that is what I'm trying to accomplish with time.
For example with 2PM. I am trying to group these trades and values under 2PM.
- 14:00
- 14:25
- 14:55
I Formatted the cells to the same time format I use in another table and tried LOOKUP, VLOOKUP, SUMIF. I can't find a way to group time with values in a different table using formulas and pivot tables.
It would be very useful for me to have the same chart and ease for a hour chart as I have for weekday my weekday chart.
Hopefully someone can push me to the right direction