Is AdBlock Premium safe for Mac, and does it work?
Mac mini, macOS 14.4
Mac mini, macOS 14.4
Personally I don't think it is worth paying $40 a year for given that it blocks very few more things than the free version does. See the following from their website
Block additional distractions, including floating videos, newsletter pop-ups, and more
I personally prefer AdBlock Pro for Safari. I had previously installed Adblock Plus for Safari ABP (the free version of what you are posting) but uninstalled it and switched to AdBlock Pro for Safari (free). Don't remember why.
Note the spelling differences between the two (AdBlock vs Adblock) to avoid confusion of which is which.
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Could not help but notice the use byline in the posting Mac mini, macOS 14.4
If that is accurate ?
The current Sonoma is now reached macOS Sonoma 14.7.1
There is also a Safari update to version 18.1.1
Always make a Time Machine Backup before doing any upDates .
We use the free Ka-Block! on all of our devices. Works just as well as any other ad blocker we tested.
I tend to pay less attention to the numerical claims presented by ad blocks developers
More inclined to pay more attention to the effectiveness of ad blocks in the real word experience
Then, in Safari >> Setting >> Websites
There is the "Content Blocker " category "Pop Up Windows " category
In both areas, one can turn On or Off for individual websites and Allow or Deny for others
To augment the Builtin features afforded us by Apple in Safari
I use the free Apple Apps Store " Ads and Stuff Blocker "
+1 I agree. I would never pay for an adblocker. I use Adblock Plus for most browers and Wipr for Safari.
Is AdBlock Premium safe for Mac, and does it work?