Itunes 10: iTunes could not connect to this ipad. An unknown error occured. 0x800000A / 0x800000E
I was successfully able to sync with my iPad pro 13in, but was trying to update my smaller ipad air 2 with some PDF files. When updating my iPad air 2 it was throwing the error: iTunes could not connect to this iPad. An unknown error occurred 0x800000A.
I tried fixing it by renaming C:\Program Data\Apple\Lockdown. After doing so got the same error when trying to sync my iPad pro. My iPhone XR won't sync anymore either.
Between my three devices, I tried 6 different cables and all of the USB ports on my system. None of them are working. My devices ask me if I want to trust this computer and I press trust. but iTunes immediately errors out. But if I go into Windows Explorer, I see my device just fine and can even open up images on the internal storage. its not a cable issue or USB port issue. Whatever it is its something busted with iTunes trying to connect to the device.
I fully uninstalled iTunes, Bonjour, Apple Mobile Device Support, Apple update software.
I deleted:
C:\Program Data\Apple
C:\Program Data\Apple Computer
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple
C:\Program Files(x86)\Common Files\Apple
C:\Users\{My Profile}\App data\Local\Apple
C:\Users\{My Profile}\App data\Local\Apple Computer
C:\Users\{My Profile}\App Data\Roaming\Apple
I also make sure there was no C:\Program Files\iTunes folder.
I reinstalled iTunes from the Apple store. Which resulted in the error I didn't have enough permissions to perform the action. So I uninstalled and cleared everything again.
I then reinstalled from
This install went through just fine but when trying to sync any of my devices I get the message:
iTunes could not connect to this iPad. An unknown error occurred. 0x800000E
Now if I put the old Lockdown files back in place I get the error message where I started.
iTunes could not connect to this iPad. An unknown error occurred. 0x800000A
I contacted iTunes support and worked with someone for over an hour doing everything I described again as well as running Windows update. Ended up right back where I started. The tech brought on an L2 type guy who just tried pushing me to use Apple TV, Apple Music, and Apple Devices. All of which I installed from that crappy Microsoft Store and none of them worked. Apple TV kept asking me to log back in over and over and over. So far the Microsoft store is just not working out for me. If I was able to pull those installs from Apple directly I would be willing to give them a chance but I am not using the Microsoft Store to install again.
I ripped everything out again. Reinstalled iTunes from the above link. Did some more homework and decided to look in Device Manager. Under Universal Serial Bus Controllers there is no Apple USB driver. There is a Universal Serial Bus Devices that contain Apple Mobile Device Composite Device and Apple Mobile USB Device. I also looked under Portable Devices and tried to update the driver. Windows is showing that the best driver is a MTP driver. Figuring this may be a driver issue I tried to point to the driver in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers\usbaapl64.inf.
When selecting that driver I get the message:
The folder you specified does not contain a compatible software driver for your device. If the folder contains a driver, make sure its designed to work with Windows for x64-based systems.
I tried some registry modifications I found on a few sites to address the MTP driver but none of it seemed to make a difference so I just put the settings back they way they were. I really want to stick with iTunes. Its not perfect but I feel much better about transferring my files through my computer than having to go through the iCloud. Right now I have iTunes reinstalled and its working fine for my movies, and music. Just can't sync my devices anymore.
Does anyone else have any ideas?
iPhone XR, iOS 18