I do see that in iOS 18 Apple removed the separate Group Messaging toggle and now just uses the MMS Messaging toggle. It is actually at Settings > Apps > Messages > MMS Messaging. That includes Group Messaging and sending photos using SMS. RCS Messaging is the improved version of SMS offered by non-Apple devices, but similar to iMessage, all participants would have to be capable of RCS messaging, otherwise it would fall back to the poor experience using SMS/MMS if MMS is enabled.
More information about the difference in iMessage, SMS, RCS is available here and makes it clear the SMS/MMS is a carrier provided service. All incoming messages do appear gray like you see whether you are part of the group or not, it would just be when you send a message the green bubble would indicate if it is SMS/RCS and as always a blue bubble would be using iMessage and only communicating with Apple devices.
What is the difference between iMessage, RCS, and SMS/MMS? - Apple Support
The same problem leaving group messages happens on Android phones as well when using SMS/MMS. I included this Support Article from the Google Support forum, which explains that there is no way to remove yourself from the SMS/MMS group chat. That only solution offered is to have the entire group abandon the chat and start a new one without you. It seems ridiculous and that is why Apple created their own iMessage platform, but it is not compatible with Android. For Android it does say you can mark the chat as SPAM to stop the Notifications, so for that problem you are having, I will investigate it further how that can be accomplished on your iPhone, but that still does not remove them from the Group Chat and the texts will continue to come in just without the Notification. For now I would suggest shutting off MMS Messaging as suggested earlier and see if that stops the Notifications.