No sound after iOS 18.3 upgrade on my iPhone
Rebooted, checked sound buttons & settings
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 16 Pro Max, iOS 18
Rebooted, checked sound buttons & settings
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 16 Pro Max, iOS 18
I also am now having a problem with not receiving audio notifications for texts messages (iMessage). I confirmed in Notifications that for "Messages", sounds is set to "Note" , "Announce Notifications" is On and the volume is high i.e., when I reselect "Note" as the "Sound", it is quite loud. However, I am only seeing a visual notification (i.e., the number of unread messages) after I unlock my phone. I rely on audio to tell me I need to unlock my phone to see my messages. Definitely broken with 18.3 update. I also rebooted again; same issue. Also, my phone is not jailbroken.
I also am now having a problem with not receiving audio notifications for texts messages (iMessage). I confirmed in Notifications that for "Messages", sounds is set to "Note" , "Announce Notifications" is On and the volume is high i.e., when I reselect "Note" as the "Sound", it is quite loud. However, I am only seeing a visual notification (i.e., the number of unread messages) after I unlock my phone. I rely on audio to tell me I need to unlock my phone to see my messages. Definitely broken with 18.3 update. I also rebooted again; same issue. Also, my phone is not jailbroken.
After updating to IOS 18.3 yesterday I am noticing today that I am not getting audio sound notifications on Messages also. This issue of sound notifications has been going on since September after the IOS 18 update and has apparently affected quite a few people judging from the threads on this issue. Initially, in late September, I was told by Apple support to reset my phone to factory settings and then restore my preferences from ICloud. It sort of helped but was and has been ever since somewhat spotty. I can get a sound notification from my gmail app on my phone but 2 people with Apple phones have texted me this afternoon and no sound notifications. I can get a sound notification for a bank security code from one bank but not another. Very frustrating.
Me too! And the sound of my phone it’s bad, like it has to be more than 50% of the audio to be able to listen any audio or music
before the update, it was so good, but now the audio is so bad
In this case it IS the update. As soon as I updated I lost sound in any app or on safari for videos. Also no tone notification for texts.
Mine isn’t so much the text and app sounds. The volume level of the earpiece and the external speaker are down 50%.
max db level with speaker now is 68. Basically as loud as the ear speaker use to be.
Since 18.3.1 I also no longer get announcements from Siri via my headphones. I did right up until the update so don’t tell me it’s not the update! I also rely on this due to the nature of my job and when I’m training etc.
Not in my phone. Just no notification sounds and no audio in apps.
Same issue. I haven’t reset any of my settings but no notifications for texts and phone doesn’t ring.
Hello everyone, I found out the problem and yes, it was due to a bug in the Apple updates. Specifically, the setting called “Hide Alerts“ was enabled. I never enabled this, and it was set. I didn’t even know that feature existed. Specifically for a particular person if you click on the hyperlink (at the top of screen) for that person, when viewing text messages, for example, it shows your properties for that person. In my case, the hide alerts setting was enabled. After disabling that, I now receive the appropriate notifications.
This is a post in reply to someone in another thread having the same issue as those that have posted here: I have spent the last 3 weeks working with Apple on the same issue. After troubleshooting for literally hours, restoring my iPhone 15- 4 times in different ways, having Senior Support extract data for their engineering department and talking to 5 different Senior Advisors (a whole other story), they finally agreed to send me a new iPhone today (3/5). The advisor I spoke to today did admit that they are receiving many calls related to the issue and that there is a potential software issue in 18.3.1. He alluded to an update coming soon to fix the issue but in the meantime, I am not getting notifications about some very important texts from doctors, pharmacies, family, etc. which is extremely frustrating as I rely on my phone solely after I got rid of my landline. I will follow up on this post as soon as I get the new phone and upload my data but I have a feeling that it will still be an issue if the software is still 18.3.1 on the replacement iPhone. Another issue that has presented itself is the inability to add my primary debit card to my wallet......a card that has always been in my wallet in the past. So glad to see that there are others experiencing the same issue and that I'm not the only one. It only gives confirmation that it's not user error!
As an update to my previous post and after 4 plus weeks of trying to work with Apple Senior Support, they finally decided to send me a new iPhone 15 which arrived today. I spent a couple hours activating the new iPhone, making sure my old iPhone was backed up and then going through the process of rebuilding. After all this, it did not fix the issue which leads me to my original suggestion and that was it has to be the software. I have been working with a great senior support person and will try and make contact with her again tomorrow. This has got to be remedied because I need a phone that functions the way it's supposed to! For all of those who may be experiencing the same problem, I would definitely make a call to Apple to voice your concerns. Hoping the more they hear about the issue, they'll put some effort into giving a more in depth look into a software update.
Another Update to my previous posts - Spent 2+ hours on the phone today (3/13) with another Senior Support from the Apple Card/Wallet group and my bank regarding the issue in not being able to add my debit card to my wallet that has been in the wallet since the beginning. After all was said and done, the solution provided by Apple was to wait a week and see if it works. That is not a solution. This has been so frustrating for me because now, the Senior Support person who promised to work with me on the texting issue until the issue was fixed/resolved is not returning my email/voice messages left with her through the contact information she provided. I'm at a loss right now. No solution and an iPhone that doesn't work the way it's supposed to!
Same for me -- no audible notifications for iMessage and other apps, and most incoming calls. Hide Alerts is not on for any contact. I thought to try changing iMessage tones and ringtones and interestingly, with my airpods in, I could hear the samples of the various tones for iMessage I selected, but not for any of the ringtones for calls. The ringtones were only heard on phone speakers, not the airpods. Hard to believe this has gone on this long without a fix.
That’s a total B.S. answer! Did you even read the thread? Many people are having the same issue after the update, hence the update issue. Updates DO cause problems! Sorry to inform you. For you to talk down to us like we’re school children is insulting. You obviously didn’t read the thread and assumed that no one had checked their settings, and the most basic elementary stuff. Don’t insult people’s intelligence. Rude!
It's not always the iOS update's fault! Many things can cause phone problems. If you tell people you think it's an iOS update, it might make it harder to fix or find a solution for the real issue.
Remember, the right question often leads to the solution!
Was/Is your device Jailbroken? If that's the situation, please be informed that attributing the issues to iOS updates may not be accurate.
iOS updates aim to enhance user experience, boost security, and fix bugs rather than disrupt core features. The majority of the issues after updates might stem from underlying, unmentioned factors. Updates won't typically alter personal data but may refine settings or features. Backup before major updates for safety. Review Apple's update details and backup advice for a smooth process.
Kindly consider checking your settings and addressing any device issues before attributing the issue to external factors. This could be a pure coincidence that the iOS update affected the iPhone functions.
Before initiating a standard iOS update, it's advisable to create a backup. Have you completed this step? If yes, proceed with the restoration from the backup.
See what each update does: About iOS 18 Updates, About iOS 17 Updates, About iOS 16 Updates, About iOS 15 Updates, About iOS 14 Updates, About iOS 13 Updates, About iOS 12 Updates, and so on...
I figured out a temporary fix. For me, I wasn't receiving sound notifications from one contact despite them having the default text tone. Changing their tone to a completely different one seemed to solve it. Wish they would fix this bug though.
I’m having exactly the same problem. No sound notifications for texts/imessage, after doing the 18.3.1 update.
So annoying as I’m missing messages all the time.
I’ve tried all the obvious things, checked settings etc.. nothing is off that needs to be on & hard shut downs don’t change anything.
Any other suggestions?
This is why I hate doing the updates & delay them as much as possible as they almost always cause problems.
No sound after iOS 18.3 upgrade on my iPhone