Apple Music app on Windows 11 audio cuts out constantly
I am using the Apple Music app on Windows 11 (downloaded from Microsoft Store) - both the app and my Windows are up to date. I am also using passive speakers connected via a DAC as the audio device, if that is important.
Have had this issue consistently for over a year, but it has been happening much more recently. I will be playing music on the app, when the sound suddenly cuts out while the track continues playing. The sound will resume when I pause the song and play it again, or if i lower/raise the volume using the volume slider in the app.
I've read a few different posts with similar issues to mine, but no solutions offered seem to help. Some say that in their experience, the sound will cut out and then eventually come back, but mine does not do that - if I don't pause/unpause, the audio stays silent.
I have tried turning "sound check" on or off in the settings, changing the streaming quality, enabling/disabling Lossless audio, and obviously have restarted the program and my computer multiple times. The issue just happens constantly regardless of what I'm listening to.
Has not ever happened on my iPhone, and I haven't noticed it on my M2 Macbook Pro but I use Apple Music far less frequently on that so it's possible I just haven't had it happen yet.
To clarify, this also does not ever happen on any other program on this PC/using these speakers, it is exclusively an issue while using Apple Music, and in fact used to happen occasionally when using the older iTunes app before Apple Music on Windows was released. Very frustrating!
Windows, Windows 11 (26100)