Labyrinth after question mark on 2012 macbook pro
This is for a family member, to squeeze the use of the laptop for a few more months until we decide what to get next. And also, just because is very annoying not to know what is going on...
So the mid 2012 macbook pro randomly showed a question mark after start up. I have tried so many things that by now I am utterly confused and not sure what I have or haven't done, and in what order.
But here are some details:
I have access to a working mid 2012 macbook pro, if it is any help. Same model, same (or very similar) specs.
I have a USB with a bootable 'el capitan' (the original Lion dvds got damaged)
I have changed the hard drive cable (I am assuming the new one is working fine!).
I have access to other hard drives (one HD and one SSD, as well as the original SSD, and also the SSD from the working macbook pro above).
I have run a hardware test and it was ok.
I have run First Aid on the three of them, and they all appear ok, but I know this is not necessarily 100% accurate. However, I am assuming that at least one of them should be working fine. They all show as externals drives (on a USB external adapter) when connected to the working laptop.
One of them even loads the OS as an external hard drive on the working laptop. It goes to the log in, but unfortunately I don't remember those particular log in details, so not sure which OS version it is. In any case, this same SSD does not load the OS on the non working laptop when used as an internal HD.
I have tried the SSD from the working laptop and placed inside the other one, and still does not load (this was before changing the HD cable though).
The hard drives either are not seen by the laptop on start up, or if they are seen, they give an error when trying to reinstall the OS. Basically nothing loads on the malfunctioning laptop. I even tried Ubuntu, and could not finish the install process (before I changed the cable)...
I am also trying to create an bootable Install USB with another (earlier) version of OSX , to avoid a potential problem of installing a newer OS into an older laptop. At the moment it is giving me errors on the different methods I am trying. Seems like a fiddly process, so I giving up unless somebody tells me it is a must.
I have tried many other things (nvram resets etc), many combinations, and often get 'contradictory' results that are driving me crazy. So I think it may be better to start from the basics, follow a step by step from somebody who really knows, so that we can get to some logical conclusion and diagnose the problem.
MacBook Pro 13″, OS X 10.11