HAËMHUK_Msk wrote:
The IMac fan works very quietly (I found out when I accidentally touched it, and it turned out to be warm at the back, created complete silence, began to listen to it and realized that it was working, ) but there is no reaction and loading, black screen. And 1 time the keyboard indicator lights up when you turn it on in the network and that's it. iMac 2012
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
If the fan is running, that just means that there is power from the power supply – and that other components are generating enough heat that the fan was switched on for thermal regulation; or that perhaps a tempature sensor has gone bad and the software has switched the fan on out of caution.
That doesn't prove that that everything else (like the GPU) is in working order.
If you have current backups – whether made with Time Machine, Carbon Copy Cloner, or SuperDuper! – you can use one of those as the source for Migration Assistant on a new Mac.
I don't know what you want to do about the internal hard drive.