Can you dynamically duplicate text in Apple Pages?
Imagine a recipe book. Several recipes include custard and, to save the reader having to jump around, you add the list of ingredients on each recipe which includes custard.
Obviously, a simple copy and paste of the text would work.
But if you revise the recipe, maybe state "Big Company granulated sugar" because you get sponsored, or realise you should have typed "one tablespoonful" rather than "one teaspoonful", you now have to work through all copies of the custard ingredients.
It would be very convenient to be able to edit the list of ingredients (indeed, any copy of the list of ingredients) and update everywhere you have inserted it. Dynamically. Without having to manually go through. In much the same way that a Table of Contents updates automatically when you change a header which is included in the ToC.
The example is a simple hypothetical description for discussion but is fairly close to the real case. And my main issue is that I want to avoid any possibility of making a mistake. Whether a typo, or a whole ingredient being changed.
I can see this is possible if both lists of ingredients are in cells in tables - using a formula. But would rather not have to do that, if avoidable.
Mac mini, macOS 15.3