How do I request access to a deceased family member’s Apple Account?
My spouse passed away and his apple devices where stolen prior me thinking of putting it in a safe place.
By the time I started looking, the IPhone, IPad and IWatch were gone. It was an awful situation finding that out and I did not want to accuse anybody without proof. I did ask two people that had access to the apartment, but both denied seeing the devices.
Losing the Devices is not my main concern. The issue I have is not having access to ck his Emails from Work, Bank and even some financial accounts that he had for his personal use.
I had free travel (Benefits) with the airline that he used to work for. After 90 days of he passing, I had no access to do booking myself. I called the travel dept of the airline and they were asking me his employee number, which I never had, nor requested. For the past 15 yrs I used those Benefits and never needed that number. The thing is that they want information sent to his Email. We were married, but I always respected his Emails as a personal thing. Still to this day the only reason why I need to have access, is to get enough information for the travel dept and a bank. That he had four accounts.
I know I am writing too much and sounds like a fictional Soap opera, but I feel at a dead end with no tools to change anything. If someone has knowledge of how to gain access or can share that is not possible. Would be doing me a HUGE favor.
Kind Regards to all !
[Re-Titled by Moderator]
iPhone 16 Pro, iOS 18