Concern: Apple trade-in partner provides incorrect information
I recently transitioned to a new M4 mac mini, and traded-in our old mac mini (Intel i5). The old mac mini was in near perfect shape, not a scratch, and fully working. I went through the recommended "Erase All Content and Settings" tool just before I shipped my trade-in. After receiving the trade-in, the Apple "Partner Company" reported: [Incorrect product description or serial number, Operating system not functioning properly] and reset the trade-in value to zero. I confirmed with an Apple agent this morning, that the information I provided was correct and matched the photos taken by the Apple trade-in partner. From the photos: (#1) the serial number was correct. (#2) The partner company was clearly having to load the latest version of MacOS (likely because I had used the Apple recommended - Erase All Content and Settings tool. The photos from the partner clearly supported my information, and did not support their comments.
The trade-in experience has not been good, and I rejected the updated trade-in value of zero (0).
Mac mini (2018)