Is it normal for my iPhone to have persistent glitches
I’m having glitches on my iPhone 16 that won’t go when I update my phone or do a force restart. Is this normal and what can I do to fix it
I’m having glitches on my iPhone 16 that won’t go when I update my phone or do a force restart. Is this normal and what can I do to fix it
None of this is normal. I have not experienced any of the issues that your report, so I don't have fixes.
Maybe another user will be able to help.
I think your best bet would be to contact Apple Support and get a ticket started. Support
The types of glitches include my status bar disappearing when my phones in dark mode and going on certain websites on safari
Green lines appear on the thumbnails if videos I send in the messages app
i have a time limit on my phone and when I go onto some of my games and I says I have a time limit and I press the ok button it takes a solid 8 seconds for it to respond
my phone won’t let me backup my data even though I have used little storage
the noise made when turning my phone on and off fluctuates in volume sometimes
is this normal and what can I do to fix it
No, it's not normal to have "glitches". We'll need a lot more information about each "glitch" if you want us to try to help.
Wait but what phone do you have
iPhones 16 and 11 and iPad 8th Gen
If there widespread problems like the issues that you are reporting, this support forum would be flooded with posts. It's not.
Ok well thanks anyway
Is it normal for my iPhone to have persistent glitches