How to upgrade imac 13(MacOS Catalina version 10.15.7)
Till recent I was using iMac13 (MacOS Catalina version 10.15.7), now update is no more available.
Is there any workaround? I do not want to buy a new hardware.
Till recent I was using iMac13 (MacOS Catalina version 10.15.7), now update is no more available.
Is there any workaround? I do not want to buy a new hardware.
Whether "iMac13" means "a 2013 iMac" or "an iMac whose model ID begins with 'iMac13,'", the answer would be the same. There are no upgrades available to anything higher than Catalina.
(MacTracker indicates that model IDs beginning with "iMac13," correspond to iMacs from Late 2012 and Early 2013.)
Catalina is still good enough to run current versions of
It is no longer supported by vendors like Microsoft and Adobe. So while there are some things the OP could do to stretch the life of the machine if he or she does "not want to buy a new hardware", the OP may eventually need to "bite the bullet" and do just that.
Without knowing the model year of the computer we cannot answer the question. If you do not know, click the Apple symbol in the upper left of the display and then click About This Mac and the window that opens will provide the model year.
If you have a 2012 or 2013 iMac..?
see > Identify your iMac model - Apple Support
Then 10.15.7 Catalina is the highest macOS that it can run.
How to upgrade imac 13(MacOS Catalina version 10.15.7)