Can photos be edited in iCloud?
How do I edit my photos in iCloud?
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 15.3
How do I edit my photos in iCloud?
MacBook Pro 14″, macOS 15.3
Once you set up iCloud photos in Mac Set up and use iCloud Photos - Apple Support
You can only edit photos from photo application of MacEditing basics in Photos on Mac - Apple Support
The same photos will be mirrored in , however there is no option of editing photos from
B Rene wrote: How do I edit my photos in iCloud?
"in iCloud" is confusing. At there is iCloud Photos, iCloud Drive, iCloud Mail, iCloud Notes, and other iCloud stuff. Do you mean in your iCloud Drive folder? If that's what you mean, then the iCloud Drive folder is like any other folder on a Mac-- you can drag an image file from there to the Preview app, for instance, and it can be edited there. When it's saved, the edited version will be saved to the iCloud Drive Folder and copied to iCloud Drive at iCloud Drive folder is just a folder on you Mac, like any other folder, except that everything in it is copied to
If you mean can you edit a picture you see in iCloud Photos at in a browser like Safari, then, as FoxFifth said, you would have to download the picture in order to edit it. But if you're on a Mac that's connected to that account, then any picture at your connected iCloud Photos can be edited with Photos on the Mac-- no browser or downloading needed.
There isn't an option to edit them at Edit them on a device that is syncing iCloud Photos and that will sync with
Can photos be edited in iCloud?