How do I play shuffled playlist on Apple Watch?
I’m trying to use the “music” app on my Apple Watch.
When I click on it, it uses the first song in the selected playlist. I *never* want to use the first song, I always prefer my songs shuffled. I pushed the button that is 3 dashes and get a list of songs with the option to continue playing or not.
I can push ”<“ on the top left, and get playlists. I see duplicate names of playlists which I can’t explain.
I can push “<“ again and select Playlists, artists, albums, or songs. If I select “songs” or “albums”, I can Shuffle All. But I don’t want all songs, I just want a playlist.
I can push “<“ and get the options of “On iPhone”, “Now Playing”, “Library”. “Library” and “On iPhone” appear to offer the same choices, which is good.
How do I play a playlist, shuffled?
Why are there duplicate playlists?
Further information which probably isn’t important, just in case: I use AirPods, have Apple Music with iCloud Music On. iTunes has 6,554 songs on it. iTunes says my iPhone has 1039 songs on it, and my iPad has 132 songs on it, which doesn’t make any sense at all to me (But that’s what I see when I look in settings/General on my iPad) I want my library to be on my iDevices even when they aren’t connected to the Internet)