suddently can't get ipad iphone emal
can't get email on ios
iPhone 11, iOS 14
can't get email on ios
iPhone 11, iOS 14
Hello and welcome to Apple Support Communities, Mdsbarry!
We understand you're not receiving email on your iPhone or iPad. We'd be happy to provide information to help you address this.
Try the steps outlined here: If you can't receive email on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Have a great day!
Hello and welcome to Apple Support Communities, Mdsbarry!
We understand you're not receiving email on your iPhone or iPad. We'd be happy to provide information to help you address this.
Try the steps outlined here: If you can't receive email on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
Have a great day!
I found the answer so far as it applies to Comcast/Xfinity:
Enable/Disable Third-Party Client Access to Email - FAQs
Effective September 16, 2020, email users will see an added security checkbox in their Xfinity Connect email settings allowing them to enable/disable access to third-party email clients. Allowing access by third-party email clients (e.g., Outlook, Google, Apple Mail, Thunderbird, etc.), could expose the customer’s Xfinity ID and password to fraud and other risks, including the potential for external programs to read, download and delete emails on the customer’s behalf.!!&app=io.ox/settings&folder=virtual/settings/security
Hey Mdsbarry!
Glad you found an answer to this issue.
suddently can't get ipad iphone emal