estimate time remaining And can't update My phone Please Help me 14.3 version
estimate time remaining And can't update My phone Please Help me
estimate time remaining And can't update My phone Please Help me
You are using a hotspot to update your iPhone. That will NOT work. You will need to connect your iPhone to a Wi-Fi Network to download, install and verify the update. I notice that you are also using Low Power Mode. You will have to turn Low Power Mode to OFF as well. Then try gain.
Axel F.
You are using a hotspot to update your iPhone. That will NOT work. You will need to connect your iPhone to a Wi-Fi Network to download, install and verify the update. I notice that you are also using Low Power Mode. You will have to turn Low Power Mode to OFF as well. Then try gain.
Axel F.
You have (at least) 2 problems:
And it looks like the battery is below 50%. It must be above, and it is best to update with the phone plugged in so it doesn’t drop below 50% during the update.
I can't update my iOS an software
What do you see when you go to Settings/General/Software Update?
estimate time remaining And can't update My phone Please Help me 14.3 version