I want to cancel my subscription
How to i cancel my apple itunes subscription?
How to i cancel my apple itunes subscription?
Note that if billing cannot occur, your account will be blocked and you will be unable to make use of the App Store, including downloading free apps, and updating apps already on your device.
Removing the payment method is never the option.
What issue are you having with following the steps in the support document exactly? Your subscription should be there and can be cancelled.
If its too difficult, you may want to contact Apple support directly: https://getsupport.apple.com
Note that if billing cannot occur, your account will be blocked and you will be unable to make use of the App Store, including downloading free apps, and updating apps already on your device.
Removing the payment method is never the option.
What issue are you having with following the steps in the support document exactly? Your subscription should be there and can be cancelled.
If its too difficult, you may want to contact Apple support directly: https://getsupport.apple.com
You started this post from the "See or Cancel your subscriptions" support document did you not? Follow the steps there.
This one: click here-> See or cancel your subscriptions - Apple Support
Follow the steps in the support document you came from.
I don't know what your talking about...'support document?' I'm logged into my account now, and there is no one place I can go to, to cancel my subscription
It didn't take me anywhere. It was a circle jerk. So, I removed my credit card from the billing section. Now, they can't bill me.
I want to cancel my subscription